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The Model 100

Incredible resolution, imaging, soundstaging, and bass response

"These unassuming speakers may be the best on the market today."

NSMT Model 100 sapele

Shown: natural birch plywood

Price per pair: $12,495

"These unassuming speakers may be the best on the market today." (barany/Audiogon)

"... the NSMT Loudspeaker Model 100 speakers ... out preformed the much larger (Tekton) Ulfberths speakers on all sonic parameters (Terry London, Audiogon)

"... they are my reference speakers" (Terry London, Audiogon/Stereo Times)

"... the deepest most powerful ... drum whacks that I have ever heard." (Francisco Duran/Positive Feedback)

"... these are the best speakers I have ever heard hands down." (sslide/Audiogon)

"The bass was great on the Tektons (Ulfberht) but the bass on these is otherworldly, It's the best I've heard." (barany/Audiogon)

"The Model 100 demonstrated ... how it could replicate the original time/space with wrap-around holographic immersion for a you-are-there sense that was greater than I ever experienced from a box speaker. The only times previouis I heard this was from a pair of omnidirectional MBL Radialstrahler E101 MkII." (Terry London/6moons)

Component of the decade: Most wanted components 2010-2020 (stereo times)

UNSOLICITED COMMENT: "I managed to source some used, they are very good - best speakers I've owned to date (previous speakers Troels Gravesen 7751, 3WC-15, Spendor, B&W, Wilson Audio Watt-puppy etc...) - feel free to contact me if you want to chat." (whatsbestforum)

Active Model 100





Passive Model 100



Read the latest review on by Terry London


Terry's comments

"The Model 100 turned out to be one of the most exquisitely pleasurable and engaging experiences I have had as a life-long music lover and reviewer."

"The bass in my vast listening space was somewhat shocking."

"The Model 100 is relatively compact and offers adaptable bass response, it can be tuned for highest performance in rooms of virtually any size."

"The Model 100 demonstrated ... how it could replicate the original time/space with wrap-around holographic immersion for a you-are-there sense that was greater than I ever experienced from a box speaker. The only times previouis I heard this was from a pair of omnidirectional MBL Radialstrahler E101 MkII."

"I never hear a box speaker do this."

The Model 100 offers the beautiful timbres, tonality, colors and pristine clarity of widebanders [and] a silky smooth delicate treble and taut tonally correct bass down to 20Hz with the ability to preassureize any room room all rendered in a seamless progression."

"The highest compliment a reviewer can give a piece of equipment is to buy it for their system. I will be purchasing the review pair"


Comments on from people who heard the Model 100


"I don't know how so much sound comes out of those boxes."

"I have been to Teajay's place a number of times and I felt this speaker was much better than the Tekton Ulfs IMHO."

"They are the best speaker I have heard ever heard over there (Teajay's house) by far."

" The imaging of these speakers is staggering. Almost like a time machine bringing you to where the original performance was conducted."

"Great for any genre of music."

"I found myself getting lost in the music and having many goose bump moments as I listened."


Subsequent comment by Teajay

"...everyone was amazed at not only the gut pounding subterranean bass, but the loading of the room with sub-sonics that pressurized the entiire acoustic space."

"I still think of them as the Harbeth 40.2 with balls."


Early version of the Model 100 reviewed by Positive Feedback

"... the deepest most powerful ... drum whacks that I have ever heard."

"These speakers have the ability to wring out the minutest of detail without fatigue."

"...intelligently designed, ... These are the most solidly built speakers I have ever seen."



"...intelligently designed, ... These are the most solidly built speakers I have ever seen."

"These speakers have the ability to wring out the minutest of detail without fatigue."

"...the M100's reproduced the deepest most powerful most realistically textured bass drum whacks that I have ever heard."

"...on the Jack Johnson CD, Sleep through The Static, I noticed dynamic shifts and emphasis in his vocals through the track, "All at Once" that I have never quite heard before." 

 "Bass sounded solid, taut and extended. My notes read, "very close to a live Jazz combo in my room".

"Bass notes came out not too tight, not bloaty but just right. Bass noted sounded full, deep ... the M-100's handled the dynamics from the piano and upright bass with solidity and finesse.

"The NSMT M-100 loudspeakers are among many things a master of dynamics. They reproduce music with a high degree of resolution. They are capable of reaching their rated frequency response specs with ease."

 "It goes without saying that movies were a lot of fun running through these speakers."

 [The M100 are] "...very capable of competing with speakers quite a bit more expensive than their asking price."

(Francisco Duran , Positive Feedback, Issue 92, 07-01-2017)

The NSMT Model 100 is a hardcore audiophile loudspeaker that combines a time coherent, first order, two-way acoustic suspension monitor loudspeaker with a bandpass subwoofer in a single compact cabinet design. The Model 100 features a 1 &1/8 inch hand coated textile dome tweeter, an 8 inch broad band woven carbon fiber driver and a 10 inch paper cone subwoofer. The tweeter is positioned where it is perfectly timed aligned with the carbon woofer driver. The bandpass subwoofer is vented to the front of the cabinet for seamless integration.  

The Model 100 delivers stunning performance from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. It is designed to reproduce music with superior musicality, coherence, spatial presentation, dynamics, speed and tonality. It is a powerful compact loudspeaker that captures every nuance of music to accurately to convey the emotionalism and spiritualism of the performance.

The Model 100 skillfully blends performance characteristics that were previously thought to be contradictory: It is revealing, but musical; dynamic, but refined. It has to be experienced to be believed.


NSMT Model 100 frequency response profileNSMT Model 100

Custom: natural birch plywood

What makes the 100M resolution exceptional and its performance electrifying is that the carbon fiber driver is crossover-less and covers the fundamental frequency range of  most instruments and voices from 35 Hz to 4,750 Hz. There are no crossover induced phase or frequency abnormalities to muck up the sound in the most significant part of the audio spectrum. The tweeter covers the harmonics of instruments and voices from 4,7500 Hz to 20,000 Hz. It is seamlessly integrated with the carbon fiber driver response with a 6 dB slope crossover. The subwoofer provides low bass reinforcement from 20 Hz to 200 Hz. 

The Model 100 offers more

The Model 100 is Eco-friendly and health-friendly. You will notice that the Model 100 has no pronounced “new speaker” smell. That is because we manufacture the Model 100 with non-toxic methods and materials so that there is no out gassing of toxic fumes. 


Because we manufacture our own cabinets we can offer the Model 100 with a custom finish of your choice.
The Model 100 is currently available in satin black and natrural cherry, natural birch plywood, sapele plywood, and walnut plywood.


Matching wooden plinths and ports: $995.
WBT Terminals, and crossover components of your choice at additional cost.


NSMT Model 100
Shown: natural birch,  and natural cherry and satin black

Special Features

Design: Acoustic suspension, time coherent, crossover-less woofer, first order crossover to tweeter, two-way with built in bandpass subwoofer
Drivers: 1&1/8 inch textile dome tweeter, 8 inch woven carbon fiber woofer, 10 inch paper cone subwoofer
Crossovers: single capacitor and resistor to the tweeter

Wiring: Multi-strand copper to tweeter, woofer, and subwoofer.
Fully insulated, gold plated five-way bi-wire/bi-amp binding  posts

Connections to amplifier via speaker level inputs.


Technical Data

Dimensions: height 44 inches; Base -14 inches wide by 14.5 inches deep; Top Panel -12 inches wide by 11 inches deep

Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
Sensitivity: 93 dB 1 watt/m
Rated Impedance: 8 ohms
Minimum Impedance: 4 Ohms
Recommended Power: 5 - 200 watts
Shipping Weight: 80 pounds each

Cabinet construction: sealed anti-resonant medium density CARB 2 fiber board and/or natural plywoods. The front of the cabinet is slanted 2 degrees, from the bottom to top to help align the acoustic centers of the drivers and the subwoofer output and to eliminate standing waves in the cabinet.

Standard Finishes: natural birch plywood, red birch plywood, sapele plywood, walnut plywood. Other finishes available at additional cost.

Warranty: 5-year limited warranty.

Active Bandpass Subwoofer Section

250 Watt amplifier
10 inch long-throw treated paper cone woofer
Auto-on power switch controlled by input signal
Continuously variable crossover from 40 Hz to 180 Hz at 24 dB/octave
Volume control to adjust output
Overload and thermal and fuse protection with output relay
Gold plated RCA line level input and output connectors
Removable IEC type power cord
Discrete TO-3P output devices
THD: Less than 0.05%
S/N ratio: Greater than 85dB
Power requirements: Switchable, 120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz 
Shipping weight: 75-85 pounds each