The NSMT Bossa Nova loudspeaker
Price: $695 per pair (price includes shipping)
"The sub on the system I'm using them with only goes down to 40hz so its pretty much useless as I could not believe the bass output from such a tiny (Bossa Nova) driver." (customer comment)
Dimensions: 37 X 3.5 X 3.5 inches (H XW X D)
Frequency response: 37 Hz to 20,000 Hz (+/- 3.5 dB: 60 to 20,000 Hz)
Shipping Weight: 20 pounds (pair)
87 dB efficiency
full range single driver design
transmission line design
true minimum phase point source
-6 dB frequency response: 45 Hz
-10 dB response: 37 Hz
minimum impedance: 6.5 ohms
finishes: satin cream white
The NSMT Bossa Nova is a small tower loudspeaker that uses a single full range driver, an innovative transmission line design, to deliver potent full range frequency response with exceptional bass performance. It's imaging and soundstaging are superb. Its sound is coherent, seamless, and involving. An exceptionally neutral frequency response and a -10 dB frequency response of 37 Hz means the Bossa Nova has outstanding imaging and low bass performance. The Bossa Nova is a small loudspeaker that can be enjoyed at even very low listening levels without the use of a subwoofer.
Excerpts from review
"When I first laid eyes on them I was critical given the diver dimension.... Then I began Streaming Audio and movie playback through these floor standing speakers and was taken aback. ... they performed beyond my expectations.
If your looking for a decent product ..., the NSMT (affiliated with and benefitting from Role Audio's 19-years experience) Bossa Nova are a great find...."