Customer Comments
These comments are presented without attribution and are intended to help our customers. If you detect one of your comments and you object to it being included here, please let us know, and it will be removed. Each paragraph is a separate comment.
Model 5
"Clean design, good sound--successfully replaced much larger speakers--wonderful imaging."
"I just wanted to let you know how my Model 5's with the sub are working out. I
gave up on the Omnimounts, and put the speakers in shallow shelves, about ear
level, surrounded by CD's, books, etc. They flank an old upright piano. The
sub is beside the piano, slightly off the back wall, and ahead of the plane of
the speaker fronts. I run the 5's full-range, and adjust the sub accordingly.
I can't imagine that there are many other speakers that could be this involving,
image this well, and sound so good in such a location. Thanks again."
Model 5SE
"I've had many acoustic suspension speakers in the past and I can't believe
the bass/ fullness that the speakers put out for their size."
Model 10
"My most satisfactory entertainment purchase ever."
"These were the best sounding speakers in the shop--wonderful."
"Fabulous uncolored sound quality, hard to believe so much sound from such small speakers; great performance at low volume."
"I recently purchased a pair of your model 10 speakers (wood finish, demo
quality). I like them very much... a big step up from my old NHT
Superzeros in terms of smoothness and inner detail. Their laid back
balance is a nice complement to my Adcom/Rotel electronics.
I have shopped them around against many contenders in the price range:
Snells and Quad 11Ls - a brighter image but fatiguing peaky sound
JMLAB Chorus, Paradigms - Model 10 was better detailed
Spendor s3/5 - very similar overall sound
Totem Mites - comparable in many ways, a little brighter
B&W CDM1s - the only speaker that I preferred over the 10 overall (but
too big for my setup)."
Model 10S
"The 10s is the best small monitor speaker I've ever heard. I don't understand how it's done, but the small bi-wireable package delivers down to about 65Hz the sweetest and purest vocals and piano."
"I had Dynaudio speakers before (audience 42) and the effect was that I could not listen for more than approx. 2 hours, then the sound became unpleasant to my ears. With the 10s I had listening sessions at the week-end of 5 or 6 hours and I still enjoyed the music. I feel that the speakers sound just right. I sometimes visit live jazz-concerts and also play piano by myself and I know how acoustic instruments sound. The small speakers cannot create the live-atmosphere but the instruments sound very authentic. Thanks again and I wish you and your company much success in the future times."
"Fantastic pair of speaker... the midrange which is really delightful, makes the music very listenable. I can listen to this speakers for 10 hours straight with feeling fatigue (I can't do this is Dynaudio, Kef, Apogee).
Warm and huge sounding, if you hide this speakers behind some curtains, I can swear no one will be able to guess that the speakers is actually so small in size. It's ability to project a huge and stable soundstage is simply unbelievable."
"...these little wonders left us exultant. Immediately taken with the unfathomable ease of presentation (large scale symphonic score for film, Beth Orton Vocal numbers, my own arrangement of D----- H--------, Trumpeter Pharez Whitted, and even Santana's Millagro) wrought through beautifully with detail. -Highly gratifying sense of pace and snap heard in several rhythm sections (accompanying everything above 60 or so Hz with around 99 - 103 dB of pushing mid-frequency signal at 1.5 meters). Their musicality affords an extraordinary high."
"The speakers sound great and I would have guessed that the sensitivity rating would be about 88 or 89, certainly not 82.5! I threw an 85-watt amp on them and almost got blown out of the room. They are going to work perfectly where I intend to install them. For fun, I'm going to try my Welborne 300B SET amp (8 watts) on them tonight, although that might spoil me altogether."
"I am an audio enthusiast. So since all know that they ask me what to buy. My personal choice a few years ago was a monitor called HGP Nightingale which might not tell you
a lot because it's a Bavarian loudspeaker. I have an awful lot of audio
listening experience and there is only one German audio mag I would trust
because the testers there seem to have my taste. There was no ranking I've seen
so far I could not agree on.
This mag is called STEREO and their ranking says that your NSMT10S has a better
price/value relation than my HGP monitor."
"I have not heard any dynamic speaker under $1500 that would sound as good as your 10S."
"Excellent workmanship and sound. They really opened up at the top and bottom after about 12 hours of use. I have them pared with a NAD C340 amp, and I am using good stands and the bass is more than respectable, but I got them for their imaging, midrange and top and I've not been disappointed. Thanks!"
Model 15
"Great speakers for the price--very musical and smooth."
"Nicely balanced sound. Hours of listening without fatigue."
"They look and, most importantly, sound great."
"Tell salesman to warn customers of [long] break in time."
Model 25
"I finally have gotten together a great budget system using your Model 25's. I just purchased a Conrad-Johnson MF2300A Amp (240 watts per channel) and it is a perfect match for your speakers. I have had a hard time getting the 25's to sound the way I like them, but now it is very clear that your speakers are a bargain. Please let others know that this amp powers these little guys perfectly since it took me forever to find a match."
"I currently own a pair of model 25s and a pair of 10S. It's a tough decision on which speakers to play on any given day. They're driven by a 30-watt integrated amp and I'm still amazed at how much great sound is produced by these speakers."
"Very smooth, neutral, excellent staging, great bass!"
"Truly a first rate sounding and quality engineered and constructed loudspeaker--thanks."
Model 50
"Nice tonal balance, killer midrange, bass is articulate and tuneful, treble is quite detailed and airy. Fairly holographic imaging. Very musically listenable. They don't look like $1900 speakers--somewhat basic and squared off. However, cabinet is very rigid, binding posts are quite nice and [they] are not aesthetically intrusive with grills off. Nice job overall."
Model 75
"[Still] have model 75's bought from Harold Minto Merrick, NY, 1990 circa, am using them with model 5 rears and model 5c center, still fabulous."
Model 100
"After all of these years (since 1992), my speakers are still going strong, and are the finest components of my now very elaborate home theater system."
Model EXP and Model 5 sub-sat system
"This sat, sub combination is a steal. The sound is rich. The soundstaging convincing and the bass goes deep. (from audioreview.com)"
"When I first hooked them up, I was in a word disappointed. They sounded harsh and unmusical. I was ready to return them but decided to let them burn in for a couple of days. Meanwhile the sound grated on my nerves. Then all of a sudden around the fourth or fifth day they started to sound magical and I couldn't stop listening. Hooked up a Cambridge Audio electronics for a total of $2k the system sounded almost as good as my $10k system. (from audioreview.com)"
"I just wanted to let you know how my Model 5's with the sub are working out. I
gave up on the Omnimounts, and put the speakers in shallow shelves, about ear
level, surrounded by CD's, books, etc. They flank an old upright piano. The
sub is beside the piano, slightly off the back wall, and ahead of the plane of
the speaker fronts. I run the 5's full-range, and adjust the sub accordingly.
I can't imagine that there are many other speakers that could be this involving,
image this well, and sound so good in such a location. Thanks again." (also listed under Model 5)
Model 15EXP Subwoofer
"More subwoofer than I need!"
"Chalk this up as another winner for NSM."