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A big thank you to Francisco Duran and Positive Feedback for their second review of the NSMT Modded Lepai amplifier

A big thank you to Francisco Duran, Editor Dave Clark and the staff of Positive Feedback Online for their second review of our modified Lepai amplifier. You can read the latest review here and the previous review here.

NSMT Modded Lepai amplifier

Since the amp was sent to Francisco Duran we have improved the performance of the amplifier by adding a 5 AMP power supply (Francisco reviewed the amp with a 3.5 AMP power supply). We have also upgraded the cabinet as can be seen in the picture above.

A big thank you to Francisco Duran

A big thank you to Francisco Duran, Editor Dave Clark and the staff of Positive Feedback Online for their second review of our modified Lepai amplifier. You can read the latest review here and the previous review here.

Since the amp was sent to Francisco Duran we have improved the performance of the amplifier by adding a 5 AMP power supply (Francisco reviewed the amp with a 3.5 AMP power supply). We have also upgraded the cabinet as can be seen in the picture below.

Look out for an upcoming active version of the Sampan FTL in our Role Audio brand powered by the latest version of the modded Lepai. We have taken two stellar products and combined into a marvelous new product.


Read review of PSM Super Monitor on


Read review of PSM Super Monitor on

A few excerpts:

"...its bass extension and weight are world-class, which means that a

subwoofer would not be necessary for home theater applications."

"...when it comes to bass extension, ultimate dB levels and macro-dynamics, the PSM Super Monitor offers a higher level of performance than either...

 the PSB Synchrony One, valued at $5,500 per pair, and theAcoustic Zen Technologies Adagio, valued at $4,500. Both of these are floor-standing speakers..."

PSM Super Monitor

THE PSM-SE Limited Edition


A few excerpts:

"...when it comes to bass extension, ultimate dB levels and macro-dynamics, the PSM Super Monitor offers a higher level of performance than either...  the PSB Synchrony One, valued at $5,500 per pair, and the Acoustic Zen Technologies Adagio, valued at $4,500. Both of these are floor-standing speakers..."

"...its bass extension and weight are world-class, which means that a subwoofer would not be necessary for home theater applications."

And after all that we present a limited edition version of the PSM-SE with custom high power drivers.

Hometheaterhifi Reviews the Model 50/Jamaica Active Speaker

NSMT Model 50/Jamaica Active Speaker System

Many thanks to Mel Martin and Hometheaterhifi for their review of of the Model 50/Jamaica Active speaker system. Mel Martin provides a very detailed account of how to set up the Model 50/Jamaica Active System and how the system works.


Mel notes, "The NSMT Model 50/Jamaica Active tower system is a pretty unique offering in the high-end speaker world." He says, "Listening was a joy." And "The built in amp allowed robust loud playback without strain or distortion." He had some issues with the remote control however we think this a one-off issue because he previously revfiewed our active Chorus speaker which uses the same remote and had no issues.


Many thanks again to Mel Martin and Hometheaterhifi for a very detailed explanation of how to set up the Model 50/Jamaica Active System and how the system works.
