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Our New Trade Up Policy Takes Effect.

Model 50 JamaicaNSMT Model 100 sapele

Starting February 1, 2025 NSMT's new trade up policy will take effect. We will accept speakers that are in "reasonable" cosmetic and perfect working condition for higher models. Speakers can only be traded for new higher price speakers. If you have non-NSMT speakers and are interested in a trade for NSMT speakers, we will try to accommodate you. This is a new venture for us that is subject to change as we work out what is reasonable for us and our customers. Learn more here.

A Breakthrough In The Long Evolution Of The Model 10S

Considered revolutionary when it was introduced in 1992, the Model 10S has undergone numerous improvements and refinements over the years.

NSMT Model 10S

It has been described variously as: "crafted with jewel-like precision." as  "absolutely astonishing!" and "breathtaking."

The latest advance in the evolution of the Model 10S, released in October, 2024, features a four inch cast frame balanced drive woofer and concomitant crossover adjustments.

The new woofer allows the Model 10S to improve its finesse and to play even more amazing, accurate, dynamic, low bass.

The frequency response of the 5.5 inches wide by 10 inches high by 6.5 inches deep Model 10S is an incredible 45 Hz to 20 kHz.

Its tonal accuracy, superb imaging, and exceptional low bass prowess is a boon for all those who enjoy the finesse of the best mini-monitors and low level late night listening.

The latest Model 10S prompted a seasoned audiophile and one of its first buyers to say: "Without real setup and without much thinking it appears to me that this might be the most accurate speakers I’ve ever had. Micro and macrodynamics are fabulous. (Switzerland, November 2024)

Importantly, the introductory price remains the same.

The System Disappears As The Artists Appear.

NSMT Clairvoyant System Two

Clairvoyant System Two


(From Terry London's Review of Jena Labs Cables)

Two weeks ago, I received a request from ...a gentleman [who wanted] to come visit to hear my reference system because he was very interested in possibly purchasing the NSMT System Two speakers. However, after reading my review, he wanted to audition them to see if they were what he sought for his system. He flew from Dallas, Texas, to my home just outside Chicago on Saturday morning and spent about three hours intensely listening to the system. I have shared [his] experience below about my system...

My wife was very excited to hear what I thought of the Clairvoyant System Two speakers when I got home, but I found myself at a bit of a loss to relay the full impact of the experience. I told her all about the rich, dense tone colors, the holographic imaging, the massive soundstage, the startling dynamics, the small, quiet details that emerged from within the louder soundscape, and the articulate and powerful bass. But, somehow, that didn’t seem to communicate the emotional response of being immersed in that kind of performance.

The Beethoven 6th was the best example of the inexplicable experience. I found myself looking at different performers on the stage as they commanded my attention. I enjoyed the interplay among the musicians and wondered how a human mind could have composed such an incredible piece of music that could powerfully stir the listener’s emotions. The sound of the speakers and system was conspicuously absent from my thoughts. There was simply no capacity for critical evaluation of the equipment while I was completely focused on the musical performance of the artists on stage. As I write that, I realize that perhaps the best explanation of the inexplicable that I can offer is that the system disappears as the artists appear.

Stereo Times

Capital Audiofest 2023

 Capital  Audiofest 2023

NSMT Clairvoyant System TwoMost Wanted Speaker


Many thanks to the people who came to our room. The debut was great. Many people thought the Clairvoyant System Two were the best speakers at the show. Several people made return visits.

We used a near field setup with the Clairvoyant Monitors nearer to the center of the room and the subs behind them.  The sound was stunning. The Clairvoyants showed their prowess as near-field monitors producing a deep, holographic, soundstage, totally detached from the speakers. Great integration, great imaging.

People were surprised how the speakers disappeared despite how close they were sitting to the speakers. We demoed the Clairvoyants without the subs for several listeners who were surprised by their bass performance. Some notables from the industry came and stayed a long time. All in all, a great show.

Many thanks to our Chicago area dealer Mike Kay (847-687-4800) who loaned us the wonderful sounding SPL amplification, Black Cat cabling, and Puritan PSM 156 power conditioner. A special thanks to Koby of Hi Fi Logic (973-313-9080), our new Jersey/New York dealer, for driving down to help run the room and for providing the wonderful sounding Resolution CD  player and Aurender Music server. A big up to long time friend and former dealer Christopher who drove down from New York to help run the room. Could not do it without you!


The New Clairvoyant Speaker Systems

The Clairvoyant System II

NSMT Clairvoyant System Two

We are pleased to announce availability of the new ultra high resolution, transparent, and dynamic Clairvoyant standalone speaker and the System One, and System Two modular pedestal systems built around the Clairvoyant speaker. The systems are designed for dynamic ease, minimonitor elan, and featuring precise component matching for the utmost in symmetrical sound-staging and imaging.


You may be struck by our temerity to name this speaker Clairvoyant -- which  means the ability to see beyond normal perception. In speaker terms, we mean that this speaker has higher resolution and better performance than just about any speaker available, including our own highly critically acclaimed Model 100. You can read the critical acclaim and accolades for the Model 100 here. Already, accolades are coming in from the few people that have heard the Clairvoyant.  "...they compete with anything on the market today, regardless of price." (Terry London, Audiogon) A dealer remarked that, "I didn't think these would surpass the Model 100 speakers... You nailed it." However we are offering the Clairvoyant monitor at the aggressive introductory price of $7,495, the system one (see below) at $,11,950 and the System Two at $15,985.



The Clairvoyant

NSMT Clairvoyant Monitor


Clairvoyant System One
(with two Bass Foundation Subwoofers)

NSMT Clairvoyant System One


The Absolute Sound Reviews the New Model 15SE


NSMT Model 15SE

The Absolute Sound's review of the Model 15SE which was published in the hard copy Absolute Sound magazine's April issue is now on line here. Many thanks to Steven Stone and the Absolute Sound staff for the review.

The review is a testament to just how right the latest evolution of the Model 15SE is. The Absolute sound describes the Model 15SE as a high end bargain.

Some snippets from Steven Stones' review:

"If I had to sum up the sound of the 15SE in one word it would be "right."

"The Model 15SE is more even in the lower midrange and upper bass than the LS3/5A."

"... the 15SE's upper frequency response managed to be resolving without sounding bright, and airy without sounding shrill."

"... it got me s close to the music as any system I've heard--whether room or nearfield."

" to my ears, the Model 15SE not only gets the lateral placement correct but also delivers the dimensional cues and boundaries of sources in an especially three-dimensional manner."

"... the 15SE will generate an extremely exciting soundfield."

You can read the review here.
